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Hello! Do you already know Scratch Jr Tactile? An Open Source project

Have you heard of Scratch Jr Tactile?

Scratch Jr Tactile is an innovative tangible educational resource, democratizing the learning of creative programming and computational thinking. It is inspired by the philosophy and design of Scratch and Scratch Jr, the most widely used creative programming learning platforms in the world, and has been created in collaboration with the Scratch Foundation (MIT).

Scratch Jr Tactile is more than an educational tool, it's a bridge to inclusion. It has been developed following the "Universal Design for Learning" model, which means that it can be used by all students, regardless of their abilities, economic conditions or language.

In addition, Scratch Jr Tactile is a global movement for equity: it's an educational resource, it's awareness, and it's a community committed to educational equity.

In just one year, we have managed to donate more than 250 Scratch Jr Tactile kits to students, educational centers and organizations in Catalonia, the rest of Spain, the United States, Latin America, and other European countries and we have users and users from more than 77 countries around the world.


—> Reduce the digital gap for vulnerable students, mainly due to disability or financial reasons.

—> Encourage the teaching and learning of computational thinking for ALL STUDENTS WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

—> Empowering children and young people in the use of technology to generate a positive social impact.

—>Normalize diversity.

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Sistema THEAD som una cooperativa educativa sense ànim de lucre.

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