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Crea un impacto con Lego Wedo (nivel intermedio)




10 h





About the course

¿Quieres implicar a los alumnos en buscar soluciones que den respuesta a problemas locales o globales?

Transforma tu aula combinando la tecnología con el desarrollo sostenible e inspira a tus alumnos para que transformen el futuro.

LEGO® Education se especializa en el desarrollo de material y soluciones de robótica educativa que ayudan a que la educación tenga un enfoque holístico y global. 

Uno de sus principales objetivos es la enseñanza de la programación educativa de una manera intuitiva, permitiendo a los estudiantes proponer soluciones a desafíos globales a través de sus creaciones.

Profundiza tus conocimientos en Lego WeDo 2.0 y comienza a crear proyectos 3D con Studio 2.  

Target audience

Educadoras y educadores de primaria interesados en incorporar la robótica educativa en las aulas con un enfoque social

Your facilitator

Alberto Cascallar

Alberto Cascallar

Entrenador de 7 equipos de la First Lego League los últimos 4 años. Director de una academia de robótica

In all our trainings you will get


In addition to always up-to-date content, you will practice. It is the only way to integrate what we learn.


We love that you tell us about yourself to tailor the training to what you really need. We help you solve your doubts.


Materials, tools and activities that you can apply directly to the classroom and references if you want to delve deeper into the subject.


Connect with other teachers and faculty like you. Share ideas, knowledge and good practices. The community supports you in your projects.


If you realize it’s not what you expected, you just have to tell us and we’ll get your money back instantly.

All formations can be subsidized through FUNDAE (Fundación Tripartita).

Sistema THEAD we are a non-profit educational cooperative

About us


We are a team that designs educational materials, innovative and inclusive of technology, STEAM and robotics, entrepreneurship and 21st century skills. We organize conferences, train trainers, carry out research and innovation and seek social impact with an approach linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and with a view of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).



THEAD - Transform your Teaching-Learning Skills to make a Difference

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© 2024 THEAD System, SCCL - Digital literacy to change the world


We work with ❤ from Barcelona, Spain

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