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Amb motiu del Dia Internacional de les Persones amb Discapacitat, durant tot el mes de desembre realitzarem una sèrie d’activitats per promoure la inclusió i millorar l’accessibilitat digital.

Et convidem a participar

Estudi preliminar sobre la percepció de les barreres i necessitats sobre l'accessibilitat i la inclusió digital a Catalunya


L'objectiu d'aquest estudi és realitzar un estudi preliminar sobre les barreres socioculturals i digitals que afecten infants i joves, recollint dades de docents, centres educatius, entitats de l’economia social, i entitats públiques i privades per identificar les necessitats específiques en accessibilitat digital.​Contesta l'enquesta i/o comparteix aquest enllaç per a difondre l'estudi:

Join this Free Webinar and learn how to improve accessibility in communication.

Topics to be covered:

  • What is accessible communication and why is it important?

  • Strategies for adapting messages to different audiences.

  • How to use different formats (text, audio, images) to improve accessibility.

Who is it aimed at?
It is aimed at educators, communication professionals, organizations, social economy entities and public and private organizations, as well as anyone interested in learning how to make communication more inclusive and accessible.

Language: Catalan

Join this Free Webinar and learn how to improve accessibility in communication.

Topics to be covered:

  • What is accessible communication and why is it important?

  • Strategies for adapting messages to different audiences.

  • How to use different formats (text, audio, images) to improve accessibility.

Who is it aimed at?
It is aimed at educators, communication professionals, organizations, social economy entities and public and private organizations, as well as anyone interested in learning how to make communication more inclusive and accessible.

Language: Catalan

Why is this project important?

Digital accessibility contributes to changing the perception of disability, fostering a more empathetic society aware of the needs of others. This reinforces the values of inclusion and respect.

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Right to equal opportunities

Digital accessibility ensures that all people, regardless of their abilities, can access information and participate fully in the digital society.

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Real inclusion in education and work

People with disabilities often find it difficult to access education and work due to the lack of digital adaptations. Accessible tools and strategies can remove these barriers and ensure equal access.

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Positive social and economic impact

Accessible digital environments enhance the experience for all, such as subtitles or transcriptions, and promote an image of inclusion and accountability on the part of organizations.

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Legal and regulatory compliance

Many countries, including Spain, have laws that require digital accessibility in the public and private spheres. The Make it Accessible project helps meet these regulations, while promoting a culture of inclusion.

Un projecte impulsat per:

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Sistema THEAD we are a non-profit educational cooperative

About us


We are a team that designs educational materials, innovative and inclusive of technology, STEAM and robotics, entrepreneurship and 21st century skills. We organize conferences, train trainers, carry out research and innovation and seek social impact with an approach linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and with a view of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).



THEAD - Transform your Teaching-Learning Skills to make a Difference

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